A Janam Kundali, also known as a birth chart, is a detailed astrological map of a person's life. It is created based on the date, time, and place of a person's birth. This is to predict various aspects of a person's life, including their personality, relationships, career, and health. In this guide, we will take a look at every basic thing you need to know about Janam Kundali.

What is a Janam Kundali?

A Janam Kundali is a diagram that represents the position of the planets at the time of a person's birth. It is a map of the sky at the moment of birth, with the planets and celestial bodies. They will plot it on the birth chart according to their positions in the sky. The Janam Kundali is divided into 12 houses, each of which represents a different aspect of a person's life. 

How is a Janam Kundali created?

To create a Janam Kundali, the astrologer needs to know the date, time, and place of a person's birth. Based on this, they plot the position of the planets on the birth chart. The astrologer also needs to know the latitude and longitude of the place of birth. This will help them to accurately plot the positions of the planets.

Once all the necessary information is there, the astrologer will use software or mathematical formulas to create the birth chart. The chart is then analyzed by the astrologer to make predictions and interpretations about the person's life.

How is a Janam Kundali used?

A Janam Kundali is used to predict and analyze various aspects of a person's life. The positions of the planets at the time of birth can give insight into a person's personality, strengths and weaknesses. This can also tell a person’s potential for success in different areas of their life.

The Janam Kundali can also help in predicting events and changes that may occur in a person's life. For example, an astrologer may use the birth chart to predict when a person may experience major life changes. For instance, a wedding, a career change or buying a new house. 

The Janam Kundali can also be used to identify any potential challenges that a person may face in their life. You can also get remedies or solutions to these problems. For example, the astrologer may recommend certain lifestyle changes or remedies to help prevent or mitigate issues. The issues might be from your wedding or professional life. Astrology will always help you in one way or another.

Significance of Janam Kundali

A Janam Kundali, also known as a birth chart or natal chart, is an astrological chart. They create this chart based on the exact date, time, and place of an individual's birth. It helps predict and analyze the individual's personality, relationships, and future events in their life.

The Janam Kundali is a very important document as it contains important information about a person's past, present, and future. The positions and movements of the planets and stars at the time of an individual's birth influence their life. They can even determine their personality, career path, and relationships.

Astrologers prepare the Janam Kundalis which are used as a tool for making important life decisions. Those decisions may be your wedding or choosing a suitable career or buying a new house. Many people consult their Janam Kundali before making important decisions or during times of uncertainty to gain insight and guidance.

Overall, the Janam Kundali is an important astrological tool that will provide insight into an individual's life. These insights can help make important decisions.

Best Online Janam Kundali Platforms

There are several platforms available online where you can check your Janam Kundali or create a new one. Some popular options include:

AstroSage: This is a comprehensive astrology website that allows you to generate your Janam Kundali for free. You can also access various other astrological reports and tools on the website.

Betterhalf: You can make your free Janam Kundli online in an easy manner. Here, you only need to fill in a few details. Your name, Gender and three most important details – Place, Date and Time of Birth. Make sure all the details are correct. Once you submit it, your free Janam Kundli will be ready for you.

GaneshaSpeaks: This website offers detailed Janam Kundali reports based on your birth details. You can also get astrological guidance and recommendations on the website.

MyKundali: This website allows you to generate your Janam Kundali for free and also offers various astrological tools and resources.

It's important to note that the accuracy of the Janam Kundali will depend on the accuracy of the birth details. It's also worth keeping in mind that astrology is a complex and multifaceted discipline. And the interpretation of a Janam Kundali can vary from one astrologer to another. It's always a good idea to consult with a reputable and experienced astrologer before making any important decisions. Particularly based on the information in your Janam Kundali.

Janam Kundali is a detailed astrological map of a person's life that is created based on their birth details. It is helpful to predict and analyze various aspects of a person's life, including their personality, relationships, career, and health. Understanding and interpreting a Janam Kundali can provide valuable insights and guidance for making important decisions in life.

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